Sort by: Name Height Width Price Lo - Hi Hi - Lo
Hen Bowl Hen Bowl
Item FS8533
13.0"W 8.0"D 14.0"H
Wing Tip Shoe Planter (Set of 2) Wing Tip Shoe Planter (Set of 2)
Item FS8381
13.0"W 5.0"D 4.0"H
Aquatic Planter 20 Aquatic Planter 20
Item FS8227
13.0"W 23.0"D 20.0"H
Amadeo 13 Amadeo 13
Item FS8209
13.0"W 9.0"D 13.0"H
Pia A Vase  19  H Pia A Vase 19 H
Item FS7948
13.0"W 13.0"D 19.0"H
Nepos Vase 18 Nepos Vase 18
Item FS7923
13.0"W 13.0"D 18.0"H
Urban Pot 3# Tall 19 Urban Pot 3# Tall 19
Item FS7909
13.0"W 13.0"D 19.0"H
Basket Urn 19.5 H Basket Urn 19.5 H
Item FS60125
13.0"W 13.0"D 20.0"H
Eastern Oxidized Planter Eastern Oxidized Planter
Item F0500
13.0"W 13.0"D 10.0"H
Relm Sphere 14in Relm Sphere 14in
Item FS60252-14
14.0"W 14.0"D 13.0"H
Fluted And Beaded Urn 18"h Fluted And Beaded Urn 18"h
Item FS34095
14.0"W 13.0"D 18.0"H
Williams Pot 14 Williams Pot 14
Item FS8747-14
14.0"W 14.0"D 14.0"H
Gallo Half Urn 16 Gallo Half Urn 16
Item FS3357HALF
14.0"W 26.0"D 16.0"H
Egg & Dart Round Urn 14 Egg & Dart Round Urn 14
Item FS106
14.0"W 14.0"D 14.0"H
Spirro Urn 18 Spirro Urn 18
Item FS8213
14.0"W 14.0"D 18.0"H
Quadrato Planter 20 Quadrato Planter 20
Item FS8009
14.0"W 14.0"D 20.0"H
Belgian Ornamental Urn 16 Belgian Ornamental Urn 16
Item FS6788
14.0"W 10.0"D 16.0"H
Legged Chinese Bowl 8.5 Legged Chinese Bowl 8.5
Item FS3344
14.0"W 14.0"D 9.0"H
Six Sided Urn  18 H Six Sided Urn 18 H
Item FS1153
14.0"W 14.0"D 18.0"H
Grape Round Urn 14 Grape Round Urn 14
Item FS102
14.0"W 14.0"D 14.0"H
Nied Weave Basket 17 Nied Weave Basket 17
Item FS8435-17
14.0"W 14.0"D 17.0"H
Woman Of Seasons Planter Woman Of Seasons Planter
Item FS69596
14.0"W 9.0"D 14.0"H
Dani Modern Square 16 Dani Modern Square 16
Item FS959514
15.0"W 20.0"D 16.0"H
Lamb Planter Lamb Planter
Item FS8711
15.0"W 8.0"D 11.0"H
Rect. Putti Patio Plntr 8 Rect. Putti Patio Plntr 8
Item FS1219
15.0"W 7.0"D 8.0"H
Panel Planter-18 Panel Planter-18
Item FSDS192
15.0"W 15.0"D 18.0"H
Perfume Vase Square 17 Perfume Vase Square 17
Item FS7964-17
15.0"W 15.0"D 17.0"H
Boboli Garden Sm 13 Boboli Garden Sm 13
Item FS69599
15.0"W 15.0"D 13.0"H
English Square Pot 11 English Square Pot 11
Item FS6730
15.0"W 15.0"D 11.0"H
Round Basket Sm 14 Round Basket Sm 14
Item FS60227
15.0"W 15.0"D 14.0"H